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Friday, April 17

17 April
Happy birthday justina !

261107 - 220309 .

Wednesday, April 15

Old photos .

Hm , today went cassandra house .
Watched unborn .
4plus went home , while going home
something funny happen to shamineh!

Went home , bathed , rest till 630
went amk meet someone , mrt to Yishun .
Follow him buy barbell , walk awhile , go eat .
830plus took bus homezxc
Reached home at 9plus .

Well , thats how my day went .

I love shamini and joyce !

Monday, April 6

Anyw i got this from joyce blog , i was bored so i did it (:
100 truth
1. Real Name : Wendy lau (:
2.Nickname(s) : Dont have
3.Age : 13+?
4.Height : I have no idea
5.Weight : idk
6.Spec or contact lens : Both
7.Horoscope : Virgo
8.Male or Female : Female
9.Tv or Games : Tv
10.Primary School : RosythLaosai school
11.Secondary School : Peicai
12.Poly or Jc : Anything
13.University ? : If im smart enuff? Haha .
14.Hair colour : Idk
15.Long or short hair : Long
16.Loud or Quiet : Depends
17.Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
18.Phone or camera : Both :/
19.Heath Freak : Nope
20.Drink or smoke : None (:
21.Have a crush on someone ? : Nope
22.Eat or drink ? : Both
23.Piercing(s) : Ear , tongue , belly
24.Tattoos : Sure , haha!
25.Social or anti-social : Anti-social :/
26.First Relationship : Forgot
27.First bestfriend : Forgot
48.Wealthy or happiness : Both
49.Want to get married ? : Ya
50.Want kids ? : No!
51.Careers in mind : Dont have
52.Fight before ? : Who doesnt
53.Most regret of : Many thingszxc
54.Talented in : eating , sleeping? :/
55.Weak in ? : idk , studies ?
56.Romantic or spontaneous ? : Idk
57.Lips or eye ? : Eyes
58.Nice stomach or nice arms ? : ?
59.Shorter or Taller ? : Taller
60.Protective or Caring : Protactive :/
61.Hook-up or Relationships : uh?
62.Troublemaker or hesistant : ?
63.Lost glasses or contacts : ?
64.Ran away frm home : Ya .
65.Held a gun/knife for self defense : Er , no (?)
66.Killled somebody : Nope
67.Broken someone's heart : Dont know
68.Been arrested : Haha! :/
69.Cried when someone died : Yup
70.Missed someone alot alot : Idk
71.Yourself : ?
72.Miracles : ?
73.Love at first sight : For looks la.
74.Heaven or Hell : Heaven
75.Santa claus : Fatass
76.Cartoon or anime : Cartoon
77.Tooth Fairy : o_o?
78.Kiss in th first date : No o_o
79.Afraid of death : Idk
80.Handsome or cute : Handsome :/
81.Pretty or cute : ?
82.Reality or dream : ?
83.Is there a person you want to be w now ? : o_o
84.Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now ? : Okok la
85.Do you believe in fate ? : I have no idea
86.Do you believe in fate ? : .
87.Do you believe in god ? : Idk
88.How often do you lie ? : Depends?
89.Do you respect elders ? : Depends
90.Are you a good kid ? : Of course i amzxcxzcxzcxz (:
91.Do you like your family ? : Yup
92.Do you like your friends ? : Some ?
93.Are you greedy ? : Idk
94.What do you want now ? : Money moneyzxc (:
95.What will you wish for ? : Idk
96.A truth to first person ? : Myself
97.A truth to second person ? : My blanket
98.A truth to third person ? : My pillow
99.Do you even trust yourself ? : Yup (:
100.Post as 100 truth and tag 10 people .
Anyone (:

Saturday, April 4

Here are some old photos .

Thnks (: