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Friday, June 26

Got my webcam!


Im sooooo tired !
Ytd went to Honey's house 3a.m liddat , talked till 7plus in the morning then sleep
Woke up at 11am , he need to go somewhr
So we took cab , i dropped at my house then he took to ser mrt.

Bathed , rested
Slept till 3.15 , Justina spam call me 48 miss calls :/
Suppose to wake up at 2.30 , haha
Changeeeeeeed meet Joyce , bus to bishan bought her stuff
Mrt to amk , bought my webcam . Finally!

Went mos burger , sat , waited for Justina and her friend to finish
their movieeeeeeeeee.

Here's my new webcam! :D

Webcam-ed w mummy , haha!


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