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Tuesday, September 29

Hellooooooooo , it's been a long time sinced i've post
So here ,

Long long time photo , stole it from Joyce's blog :/

Zg's dog (:

In school ,

Prove that Shamini's not studying

Today i left my hand phone in class , under my desk , forget to bring homeee
How careless .
As usual , went home after school , then when reaching my house i then realise my hand phone's not with me . Panikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk . Thanks Yihjin and Xara for helping me take my phone firsttt. Slept awhile just now . I've got so many things to do!
  • Need to do art ( by 15 Oct i think )
  • Need to read finish library book ( due by 8 Oct i think , haven't even finish 1/4 of the book. Really can't get myself to read the book. )
  • Find photos of hot guys to put in my ipod , download new songs/videos ( Actually not important :/ )
  • Go buy stuffs like clothes , studs etc.
  • and so on

So many things i wanna do , need to do! ):

Suppose to go far east with that asshole Justina but she need to do her art.

People , watch these:/

Friday, September 18

Dyed my hair ytd nightttttt.

Shit colourrrrr!

First time using this product , and dying my own hair .
Usually is my mother or brother help me :/

My hair is like dam dry



super duper damaged hair ):

My mum bought this new phone!
I want a new phone toooooooo , not fairrrrrrrrr

Horoscopeeee ;

Today's New Moon in your efficient sign falls in your 1st House of Personality, marking a turning point in a relationship. You have been debating with yourself about whether or not you should go forward and deepen an existing commitment or create a new one. Although you may consider making a clean break, your logical approach allows you to see multiple outcomes to your dilemma. Entertain as many options as you can before choosing one.
Just smileeeeeee.
Since he moved on , i'll move on too.

Virgo's horoscope ; from facebook

A journey may mark events in your romantic affairs today, Virgo. Remember that journeys are not always physical, and you may find yourself travelling back to your past in your matters of the heart today. Whether you are single or attached, today is a day where sentimental memories or feelings are being conjured, and you are enjoying the positive energy that the sentiment is bringing to you today. If you find yourself thinking of days gone by, be sure to focus on the memories that are pleasant, and this may bring you some clarity on issues in the present. Either way, your journey to the past today will bring you the progress you need in your romantic affairs, if you are willing to see it.

Well , had school , got caught , went home straight after school . Such a boring day ):
Going to have tuition tml. Exams are coming! Studying hard .
Just now went to buy hair dye , gonna my hair dark dark dark brown later.
I printed out that photo , trying out the new printer .
Shamini's really mean , Joyce's really bad , Justina's such a liar

Saturday, September 12

You never were the best for me

I love joyce post! Hahaha.

Nothing happen nowadays , this holiday's so boring !
I need to study , i want a new phone , i want to go out , but lazy go out
I feel like going school , but don't feel like going school .

Tml meet Justinaaaaa
Miss Shamini & Joyce

Wednesday, September 9

I'm breaking up w Justina!

Hello peopleeeeeeeeeeeee.
I'm so bored at home !

Went genting last sat and sun .
Had fun @ outdoor theme park . I didn't bring my camera !
So no photos ):
See those two photos above? Me and joyce bought those photos. 15rm each
I . Don't . Like . The . Stupid . Big . Blue . Parrot!

And i did my nails too! Hahaha
Joyce and my mum too.

Shall stop hereeeee. Cya !

And it's breaking my heart , I'm trying to keep it together , but I'm falling apart

Tuesday, September 1

Who needs you anyway.

Rain rain go away , little Justina wants to play

Fever's down
Having bad cough
Justina came today
Watch 17 Again , again
After watch she went somewhere else
and now I'm so bored
No appetite to eat , feeling so dead , lifeless . Anyway , got school tml .
Don't know whether I'm going or not . I shall spread my cough to everyone if i do . Ha

Shamini and joyce too :D