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Monday, March 29


Ok i'm dam tired now , last sat and sun just went out to meet zg ~
Today go school , thursday and friday no school~ Can't wait.
Ok i've nothing to post! No pics , no stories , no nothing.

shall post tml , maybe? or friday or sat , when i go out.
k.....bye! :)

Friday, March 26

Happy 28-5 months~

Hey oranges!

Today is me and zhigang 28month anni , k la not exact , -5months .
Anyway i love you :) ~

Yayyyyyyy todayyyyyyyy issssssssssss fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyz! Muahahahhahaha > Chinese >Maths > recess > ss > homeeeeeeeeeee . End early~ hehe
Went home rest , 4plus slept till 8plus wake up . Now talking on the phone Zg :) heyheyhey .

Before i end this post ,
I HATE IT WHEN MY BROTHER ASK ME TO LEND HIM MONEY. Every time he ask for $10 , $15 , blah blah blah. He always use the money to take cab , buy cigarette or some nonsense ear extension thingy , Such a waste of money right? wth. Don't know why he so dumb. When he ask me to lend him , if i say yes , he'll anyhow spend , if i say no , i feel very bad . And when i lend , he'll never return , or ask my mum to return me. most of the time he will not return!!! SO IRRITATING , OMG.
K la , but he made food for me just now . :/ I feel so bad!! ):

Thursday, March 25

Oooohhh ~

Yo peeps! Its Thursdays ~ hehehehhehe. Tml friday~
Ok , I got back all my results already :/
Today after school went Novena withhhhhh Shamini , Bernice , Gin , Corrine and Mingxuan :)
Justina cheated my feelings , say one meet today then say got cca . Nvm~!

I THINK MY BROTHER IS DAM FUCKING IRRITATING AT TIMES. I just feel like slapping his face . omg. He every time when i'm in his room using com he confirm will piss me off .

ok , 3 hour 45mins to 28months! Hahahahha.


Wednesday, March 24



Just now suffered 2hours of tuition. Torture! Haha , anyway , maybe going to meet Justina tml Happy Emoticon Hehe , love you Just ~I'm so bored at home and I'm still in the holiday mood ): Hai~
Got back Physics result todie . And it suck! :/ ok la , few more marks then pass ): Now I'm dam hungry , and bored , and hungry , and bored , and hungry , and bored and hungry.Sad

I think i gonna sleep soon . Ytd 12 plus like not enough sleep eh ): I hope i don't wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep :/

Heiheihei readers now i'm trying to post everyday from now although all the posts are boring and not interesting. Haha ~ :)
And Yay! tml's Thursday! Can't wait for the weekends~ Hohoho

two for days till 28months :)
I love you zhigang ~

Tuesday, March 23



Hehehe. School was normal , during maths dam sleepy~ Stupid gin never come school !

After school went back home then 210 went back school look for Shaminiiiiii then went info com. hahaha. Got back most of my results , left Geog and Physics i think. Uhhhhhhhh~ Bored now ! Nothing to do eh ): I think i going to have tuition tml .Arghhhhhhh , i want to meet Justina~ hehe

My house keep got flies flying around the light or light bulb or something!! SO IRRITATING . Even though I'm in the house where the door is closed , windows all also closed , main door closed...i don't know how the hell they get into my room! Grr.

Ok I'm still kind of mad with my mum .. Today she talking to me then i laugh thennnnnn she saw the smiley and got upset . I don't know why this time she wasn't angry . I feel so bad :/ Love you mum ~ but too bad who call you lie to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .Thats why I'm still mad at you!

Nowadays when I'm at home i don't know why i get kinda emotional , HAHA . Like seriously.

I miss zhiganggggggggg . He got 3 weeks holiday , not fairrrrrrrr . Jealoussssss ~
And i think all big brothers are irritating and mean. Ok maybe not all but most. Just like the flies in my house.

Ok going to stop here ~ Bye readersssssssssss c:

Monday, March 22


These few days I've been thinking lots of stuff....

I hate/dislike a few people in my life , i want to not hate/dislike them ... but very hard O.O

My results was ok... better then last time...rmb my mum promise me about the cam?
Now she say see mid year results. w.t.f. I don't know why is she always like that~ this isn't the first time . and yes , when i got back my result i was happy and blahblahblah and now she telling me see mid year exam marks first. uh , whatever.

Friends are easy to find , true friend.....not so easy.

Uhhhh ~ i don't know what to do ~


Thursday, March 18

i love daddyyyyy :)

Monday -
went out with Shamini , Gin , Corrine , Ziying , Bernice . Hehehe
Had funnnnn :) lovelove.

Tuesday -
Did nothinggggg , just stayed at home

Wednesyday -
Went out with primary school peeps , hehehe.
Justina , yien , darryll , darryll's gf (cupcakecupcake :3 ), daniel and zx ~


Today gonna meet lil' Justinaaaaa , hehehe. Going bugis junction ltr. NEED TO BUY LOTS OF STUFF!

Okok , shall post in a few days time or when i'm free. Bye readers! <3

Saturday, March 13

Ytd watch "Being human" with Zhigangggggg . Touching show! I cried like 2-3 times :/
Today meeting him again. Ytd slept 1am plus i think , woke up at 8.17am .


fuck laaaaaaaaaaaa

Friday, March 12



Ytd went out with Gin&Joyce! Went orchard.
Meet @ 2 plus , went home 10plus
Gin and i bought some stuffs there . We just kept walking and walking around

Here are the pic~

Toilet madness :

Joyce joyce joyce always dont want face the cam!!!!


We also watched Alice in the wonderland , hehe. Rating 3.9/5 .
Stupid justina tell me the show not nice. Bluff meeeeeee
Ok i love the part when Alice drop down the hole , haha! And the queen is so retarded.
"Off with his head!"

Tml's the last day of the I.T fair @ suntec. Hope my mum would bring me thereeee , really want to buy a new cam. I want it so badlyyyyyyyyy , either Canon or Nikon :/ Currently using Canon! But she say if i do well for my this common test she will buy . Aiya just try ask her buy tml :/ I think my common test results will be very shitty anyway.
Okayyyyyy gonna meet zhigang soon , mum's gonna fetch me

Thursday, March 11

How cute , omg

Sunday, March 7



Hello everyone!

Today had SS and chem exam. Argh , 2 paper down. Can't wait till next week! Holiday!
Hayhayhay.Tml having English and Maths . @ 7 my tutor would be comingggg to teach maths , need to learn & remember everything by today! Scared scared

Today finished at 1030......if I'm not wrong. Accompanied Shamini to top up her card plus mine.
After that went to eat at mac. *hair stand* Did something very stupid , HAHHAHA. Gin&Sha should knowwwww :/ karma karma!

Last Saturday , went to the Science body world thingy with zhigang. After seeing the vain or some red stuff my leg like jelly jelly. k la , the whole thing was quite interesting , sad , cannot take photo. And all the bodies are real! And and and the weather that day is dam fucking hot.

Big smile! Zhigang got me thisssss :D

Justina promise me that she will find me tml , hope she doessssss .

ok , BYE!

Thursday, March 4

Hoooooooooo , hellooooooo~
School was as per normal :) Hehe
End school at 1230. Maybe meeting Gin later , gonna study.
Common test starts this coming Monday , I don't wanna fail :( Esp English and Maths.
Ok , i have nothing more to say . BYE!